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Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does workplace violence affect healthcare?
    Workplace violence in healthcare settings has a profound impact on individuals and organizations. It can lead to physical and psychological trauma among healthcare workers. This may result in decreased job satisfaction, increased stress and burnout, and ultimately, lower quality of patient care. From an organizational perspective, workplace violence can lead to higher turnover rates, increased costs associated with hiring and training new staff, and potential legal liabilities. It can also create a negative work environment, impairing teamwork and communication, which are essential for patient safety. On a broader level, workplace violence can undermine public confidence in healthcare institutions and may deter people from seeking care, further straining healthcare systems.
    We are independent security consultants and can provide anywhere from simple walk-thru assessments to comprehensive assessments.
  • What are the OSHA rules for active shooters?
    OSHA has not established specific rules or standards for dealing with active shooters. However, it provides guidelines that employers can follow to reduce the risk of violence in the workplace, including potential active shooter situations. OSHA's General Duty Clause also comes into play here, mandating employers to provide a safe work environment. Active shooter plans, drills, and employee training can be part of this overall safety mandate.
  • What type of security is most needed for school?
    School security needs are multifaceted and should be tailored to the unique characteristics and needs of each school community. However, some universal security needs are relevant to nearly all schools. These include controlled access points, visitor management systems, security cameras, and adequate exterior lighting. Furthermore, schools require strong communication systems to quickly notify staff, students, and parents during an emergency. School resource officers or security personnel may also be appropriate depending on the school's size and location. Moreover, regular drills and emergency preparedness training for all staff and students are crucial. A comprehensive approach to mental health is also vital, including counseling services and programs promoting a positive school climate.
  • What is school safety and why is it important?
    School safety refers to the measures and strategies implemented to create a secure learning environment that protects students, teachers, staff, and school property from physical or emotional harm. It is a broad concept encompassing various aspects, including physical security, cyber security, and emotional well-being. School safety is vital as it directly impacts a child's academic performance and emotional development. A safe, nurturing environment promotes students' well-being, reduces fear and anxiety, and enables students to focus on learning. Ultimately, schools are a cornerstone of our communities, and their safety contributes to the overall health and security of the entire community.
  • What is considered workplace violence in healthcare?
    Workplace violence in healthcare encompasses a wide array of harmful actions and behaviors. It can involve any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site. It ranges from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and even homicide. Such violence can be inflicted by patients, visitors, intruders, or even coworkers. Healthcare workers may encounter violence in many forms including, but not limited to: verbal threats or physical attacks by patients; assaults by family members of patients; harassment by fellow employees; stalking; violence related to robberies or other crimes. Workplace violence in healthcare settings can have severe consequences, impacting both workers and the quality of care delivered. It is crucial that healthcare organizations take proactive steps to prevent and manage such incidents.
  • What is the NFPA standard for active shooter?
    The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) developed NFPA 3000, a standard for an active shooter/hostile event response (ASHER) program. This comprehensive standard provides guidance on the processes, procedures, and resources to manage the full life cycle of potential or occurring active shooter situations, from prevention, response, and recovery.
  • Is active shooter training required by OSHA?
    Although the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) doesn't explicitly mandate active shooter training, it is implied in its 'General Duty Clause.' This clause states that each employer "shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees." This includes the risk of workplace violence, including active shooter scenarios. Hence, active shooter training could be seen as a part of an employer's responsibility under this clause to ensure a safe workplace. For best practices, employers can refer to OSHA's guidelines on preventing workplace violence.
    We offer training programs for a small as 10 person groups. Our training programs are tailored to our clients whether your a private citizen or highly trained law enforcement.
  • How can we promote school safety?
    Promoting school safety requires a comprehensive, layered approach focusing on prevention, protection, response, and recovery. Prevention initiatives should include social-emotional learning programs, anti-bullying campaigns, and behavior threat assessment and management. A safe and secure physical environment is also paramount and can be achieved by controlling access to the school, installing surveillance systems, and ensuring proper lighting. Furthermore, schools should have established emergency operation plans that are practiced regularly and updated periodically. It is also critical to foster strong relationships with local law enforcement, first responders, mental health providers, and community organizations. A successful school safety strategy is a community-wide effort.
  • What is the most common type of workplace violence in healthcare settings?
    The most common type of workplace violence in healthcare settings is Type II: Customer/Client. This type of violence involves a patient, or someone related to a patient (like a family member or friend), assaulting or making threats against a healthcare worker. Given the nature of their work, healthcare providers are often at risk of experiencing this type of violence. Emergency departments and psychiatric units are particularly high-risk areas due to the volatility of the situations and patients they handle. However, violence can occur in any healthcare setting, including long-term care facilities, pharmacies, community care settings, and home healthcare settings. Preventive measures such as training healthcare workers in de-escalation techniques, implementing comprehensive violence prevention programs, and improving physical safety measures can help mitigate these risks. Furthermore, implementing comprehensive safety protocols and encouraging an open, respectful communication culture can also be instrumental in preventing such occurrences.
    There are many factors that determine our pricing. Location, class size, and the length and scope of training are some of the factors. Contact us today to discuss your needs.
  • How effective is workplace violence training?
    Workplace violence training is a critical component in reducing the likelihood and severity of violence at work. Well-designed training helps employees recognize potential warning signs and teaches them how to respond safely and effectively to violent situations. Effective training can lead to better understanding of policies and procedures, increased reporting of suspicious activities, and reduction in aggressive behaviors. Moreover, it prepares employees to react appropriately during an incident, potentially saving lives. Training effectiveness, however, depends on its quality, its alignment with the workplace's specific needs, and its integration into a broader workplace violence prevention program.
  • What are the 4 types of workplace violence?
    Workplace violence is typically classified into four types based on the relationship between the perpetrator and the victim or the nature of the incident. Type I: Criminal Intent: In this instance, the offender has no legitimate relationship to the workplace or its employees and usually enters the business to commit a robbery or other criminal act. Type II: Customer/Client: The violent person has a legitimate relationship with the business and becomes violent while being served by the business, such as clients, customers, patients, students, or inmates. Type III: Worker-on-Worker: The perpetrator is an employee or past employee of the business who attacks or threatens other employee(s) or past employee(s) in the workplace. Type IV: Personal Relationship: The perpetrator usually does not have a relationship with the business but has a personal relationship with the intended victim. This category includes victims of domestic violence assaulted or threatened at work.
  • What are the three factors in preparing for an active shooter?
    When preparing for an active shooter scenario, three key factors are critical to consider: Prevention: Establishing a safe and respectful workplace environment, training staff to recognize signs of potential violence, and implementing reporting systems. Protection: Developing and practicing emergency action plans, which include escape routes, safe areas, and communication strategies. Response: Training employees on how to respond during an active shooter situation (run, hide, fight), and ensuring emergency responders are aware of your plan and building layout.
  • What is the best option when an active shooter is in your vicinity?
    Responding effectively to an active shooter situation depends on an individual's immediate circumstances and their ability to quickly assess the situation. The U.S. Department of Homeland Securityadvocates for the "Run, Hide, Fight" approach as the best option when an active shooter is in your vicinity. Run - This is the first and most preferable option. If it's safe to do so, running away from the vicinity of the active shooter should be your primary response. This involves having an escape plan in mind, leaving your belongings behind, and preventing others from entering the area where the shooter might be. It’s also important to keep your hands visible for law enforcement officers and avoid pointing, screaming, or yelling. Once you’re safe, call 911. Hide - If running is not a safe option, the next best thing is to hide. Find a location where the active shooter is less likely to find you. Ideally, this should be a room that you can lock or barricade from the inside. Silence your cell phone and turn off any other source of noise. Remain quiet and calm, making yourself as inconspicuous as possible. Fight - As a last resort, if your life is in imminent danger and there are no other options, attempt to incapacitate the shooter. This might involve using improvised weapons, being as aggressive as possible towards the shooter, and committing to your actions. Regardless of the strategy employed, awareness and preparation are key. Many organizations now provide active shooter training for their employees to help them recognize potential threats and respond effectively.
    We come to you! We find that our programs work best in the environment you will most likely be needing the training. For smaller groups, we do host them at our office.
  • What are the three simple steps to do in case of an unlikely active shooter situation?
    The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recommends the "Run, Hide, Fight" strategy: Run: If it's safe to do so, evacuate the premises as quickly and quietly as possible, encouraging others to follow but not waiting for them. Hide: If escape isn't possible, find a secure hiding spot, lock and barricade doors, silence mobile devices, and remain quiet. Fight: As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, fight back using anything at hand to disrupt or incapacitate the shooter.
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